Remember the good old days and it would be easy for us to see our old "cavemen" ancestors would never have any problem "it rises." Heart disease was not even "invented" at the time. Without artificial "processed" foods, and a diet rich in proteins, as they were all eating, their testosterone levels were always at their natural rate. Their naturally available "high protein, low carb" diets were mainly responsible for the production of sex hormones, which has always been abundant in the amount to keep them active - day and night, that is.
Red meat: I think that beef and lamb are the best "real" nutritious foods. The protein composition of these foods is considered almost complete, which is also a good source of creatine, which makes us stronger and energetic. Red meat also contains a large amount of CoQ10 in nutrients, which is not only vital for heart health, but also essential for sexual health because judging by the strong correlation between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, it goes without saying that CoQ10 plays an important role in sexual health as well.
Wild: Yes, fish can be one of the main food sources that contain mercury and other toxins and you should by all means not to eat too many of them, but when you choose wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines or more farmed fish, you'd be taking a lot of good omega-3 and benefit accordingly. And this mega-doses of omega-3 are also of importance for health-conscious too.
Eggs: Eggs are the ultimate and perfect food. Every day I eat an average of 5 to 6 whole eggs in spite of the rumor about eggs containing way too much cholesterol. The developing embryo needs this cholesterol to create sex hormones, and men too. And they contribute to male sexual stamina. Therefore, please be assured that eating too many eggs will not get you to the hospital, but helps you to recover your manhood instead.
Dairy: Milk can be best described as "liquid meat" because it contains a lot of good protein. However, raw milk and organic is better compared to other processed products. Cheese and whole milk are great sources calcium and vitamin D. Male sexual stamina level can be greatly improved with good supply of these nutrients too.
Nuts: Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, walnuts are a good source of protein too. Almonds and walnuts are full of omega-3 omega nutrients, vitamin E, fiber, potassium, and many other minerals. Other good choices are pecans, macadamias, cashews and Brazil nuts. They are much better choices than chips and crackers when it comes to snacks. This will help to improve male sexual stamina level too.