Certain muscles, the muscles of your heart and digestive system, are involuntary. They work by themselves, without consciously telling them to do something. Other muscles are voluntary, meaning that you order them to move. The two types of muscles are controlled by the brain. The brain sends an electrical signal in a series of nerve cells control the muscles to contract. This is done automatically by your brain with involuntary muscles and your brain with manually by the voluntary muscles.
Muscles consist of muscle filaments thick and thin. Muscle thick filaments are composed of myosin protein molecules stacked into a cylinder. Muscle thin filaments are made of actin protein that resembles a pair of pearl necklaces torsion. Two muscle filaments thick and thin are required for muscle contraction.
There are grooves in the thin muscle filaments that allow them to move along filaments of thick muscle. In these gorges are a pair of proteins called tropomyosin and troponin. They are key molecular switches in muscle contraction. Calcium ions are released to trigger the movement and proteins to help the thick filaments of myosin and thin actin filaments work together.
Muscles consist of muscle filaments thick and thin. Muscle thick filaments are composed of myosin protein molecules stacked into a cylinder. Muscle thin filaments are made of actin protein that resembles a pair of pearl necklaces torsion. Two muscle filaments thick and thin are required for muscle contraction.
There are grooves in the thin muscle filaments that allow them to move along filaments of thick muscle. In these gorges are a pair of proteins called tropomyosin and troponin. They are key molecular switches in muscle contraction. Calcium ions are released to trigger the movement and proteins to help the thick filaments of myosin and thin actin filaments work together.